Nama Lengkap DTPS | Jenis Karya Ilmiah | Nomor Pencatatan Karya Ilmiah |
Artikel | Buku/Book Chapter | HKI | Paten | |
Internasional | Nasional | Internasional | Nasional | | | |
Prof. Dr. Desnita, M.Si | Senior high school students learn physics while playing: How (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2023) | Students’ Environmentally-Friendly Behavior: The Mediating Effect Investigation (Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, Sinta 1, 2023) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Desnita, M.Si | Analysis of the Implementation of Laboratory Activities in High School Physics Learning from the Perceptions of Teachers and Principals (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2023) | Mapping Evironmental Hidden Curriculum in Physics Learning (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, Sinta 2, 2023) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Desnita, M.Si | STUDENTS’ ENVIRONMENTALLY-FRIENDLY BEHAVIOR: THE MEDIATING EFFECT INVESTIGATION (Q2 2023) | Conformity Level Analysis of Physics Daily Test Questions Based on Minimum Competency Assessment (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, SInta 2, 2023) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Desnita, M.Si | The Effectiveness of CTL-based Physics E-module on the Improvement of the Creative and Critical Thinking Skills of Senior High School Students (TEM Journal Q2 2022) | The Validitas Empiris dan Reliabilitas Instrumen Penilaian Literasi Sains Berdasarkan Buku Pengayaan Fisika Angin Puting Beliung (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, SInta 2, 2023) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Desnita, M.Si | Development of instruments to measuring feasibility of context-based videos of sound (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2021) | Validity and Practicality of Scientific Literacy Assessment Instruments Based on Tornado Physics Enrichment Book (Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika Al-Biruni, Sinta 2, 2023) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Desnita, M.Si | Analysis of validity and practicality test of physics enrichment e-book based on CTL and enviromental factor (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2021) | The Effectiveness of Tornado Physics Enrichment Book to Increase Science Literacy of High School Students (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, SInta 2, 2023) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Desnita, M.Si | Effects of mechanical wave learning material by integrating CTL strategy on environmental literacy of grade XI students (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2021) | Validity and Practicality of Scientific Literacy Assessment Instruments Based on Tornado Physics Enrichment Book (Sinta 2, 2023) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Desnita, M.Si | Mapping environmental curriculum in physics learning at senior high school grade X semester 2 (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2021) | Effectiveness of the Flipped Classroom Model on the Problem-Solving Abilities of Science Education Students: A Meta-analysis Study (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, SInta 2, 2023) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Desnita, M.Si | Development of instruments for measuring contextual-based video quality of fluid for physics at senior high school grade XI (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2021) | Effect Size of Blended Learning Model in Improving Students’ Science Competence (Jurnal Kependidikan: Jurnal Hasil Penelitian dan Kajian Kepustakaan di Bidang Pendidikan, Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran, Sinta 2, 2023) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Usmeldi, M.Pd | Global Publication Trends in Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality for Learning: The Last Twenty-One Years (International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy Q1 2023) | Creative project-based learning model to increase creativity of vocational high school students (International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), Sinta 1, 2022) | | | EC00202420071 | | |
Prof. Dr. Usmeldi, M.Pd | Students’ Environmentally-Friendly Behavior: The Mediating Effect Investigation (Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia Q2 2023) | Students’ Environmentally-Friendly Behavior: The Mediating Effect Investigation (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, SInta 1, 2023) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Usmeldi, M.Pd | Metaverse Technologies in Education: A Systematic Literature Review Using PRISMA (International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning No-Q 2023) | The Effect of STEAM on Science Learning on Student Learning Achievement: A Meta-Analysis (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, Sinta 2, 2023) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Usmeldi, M.Pd | Top 10 Most-Cited Articles Concerning Blended Learning for Introductory Algorithms and Programming: A Bibliometric Analysis and Overview (International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies Q2 2023) | Validity and Practicality of E-Module Model Inquiry Based Online Learning to Improve Student Competence (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, Sinta 2, 2023) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Usmeldi, M.Pd | Developing the Interactive e-Module Based on Integrated Learning for Primary School Students (International Journal of Information and Education Technology Q2 2022) | The Effect of STEM Integrated Science Learning on Scientific Literacy and Critical Thinking Skills of Students: A Meta-Analysis (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, Sinta 2, 2023) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Festiyed, M.S | Preliminary research of networked-based inquiry model development to improve 21st-century competencies of students on physics learning in senior high school (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2021) | Development of Physics Learning Assessment Instrument in Project-Based Learning Model to Improve 4C Skills (Jurnal Penelitian dan pendidikan IPA Sinta 2 2023) | | ISBN: 9786234620405 (2022) | | | |
Prof. Dr. Festiyed, M.S | Development of Online-based Inquiry Learning Model to Improve 21st-Century Skills of Physics Students in Senior High School (Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education Q1 2021) | The Effect of STEM-Based Mathematics and Natural Science Teaching Materials on Students’ Critical and Creative Thinking Skills: A Meta-Analysis Postgraduate, University of Mataram (Jurnal Penelitian dan pendidikan IPA Sinta 2 2023) | | ISBN: 9786234621884 (2022)
| | | |
Prof. Dr. Festiyed, M.S | Development of instruments to measuring feasibility of context-based videos of sound (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2021) | Effectiveness of STEM Learning Based on Design Thinking in Improving Critical Thinking Skills in Science Learning: A Meta-Analysis (Jurnal Penelitian dan pendidikan IPA Sinta 2 2023) | | ISBN: 9786234620245 (2022) | | | |
Prof. Dr. Festiyed, M.S | Development of instruments for measuring contextual-based video quality of fluid for physics at senior high school grade XI (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2021) | Pengaruh Bahan Ajar Multimedia Interaktif Terhadap Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Pada Pelajaran IPA: Sebuah Studi Meta-Analisis (Jurnal Penelitian dan pendidikan IPA Sinta 2 2023) | | ISBN: 9786234621891 (2022) | | | |
Prof. Dr. Festiyed, M.S | Validity and practicality of worksheet assisted by PhET interactive simulations to improve students creative thinking skills in a research based learning model (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2021) | Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Using Integrated Student Worksheets Innovative Natural Science Learning Models to Improve High Order Thinking Skills of High School Students (Jurnal Penelitian dan pendidikan IPA Sinta 2 2023) | | ISBN: 9786235612027(EPUB) (2021) | | | |
Prof. Dr. Festiyed, M.S | Physics electronic teaching material-integrated STEM education to promote 21st-century skills (Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences no-Q 2022) | The Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik berbasis Model Problem Based Learning dengan Pendekatan Saintifik berbantuan Video untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Proses Sains (Jurnal Penelitian dan pendidikan IPA Sinta 2 2023) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Festiyed, M.S | The Validity of STEM Integrated Electronic Learning Material on Elasticity Material to Improve Students’ 21stCentury Skills (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2022) | Development of Contextual Teaching and Learning-Based Test Instruments to Improve 21st Century Skills in Students ( Jurnal Penelitian dan pendidikan IPA Sinta 2 2023) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Festiyed, M.S | Effects of STEM-based learning materials on knowledge and literacy of students in science and physics learning: A meta-analysis (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2022) | Pengaruh Penilaian Esai Terhadap Pencapaian Kompetensi Siswa Pada Pembelajaran IPA: Tinjauan Pustaka (Jurnal Penelitian dan pendidikan IPA Sinta 2 2023) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Festiyed, M.S | Description of Science Retention Defense for Junior High School (AIP Conference Proceedings Q4 2022) | Literature Study: Application of Self Assessment in Improving Character Quality, 21st Century Abilities, and Physics Learning Results (Jurnal Penelitian dan pendidikan IPA Sinta 2 2023) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Festiyed, M.S | The Effectiveness of CTL-based Physics E-module on the Improvement of the Creative and Critical Thinking Skills of Senior High School Students (TEM Journal Q2 2022) | Effectiveness of the Flipped Classroom Model on the Problem-Solving Abilities of Science Education Students: A Meta-analysis Study (Jurnal Penelitian dan pendidikan IPA Sinta 2 2023) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Festiyed, M.S | Study of Traditional Games About Physics Ethnoscience Learning inthe Tambusai District (AIP Conference Proceedings Q4 2023) | The Impact of Static Fluid E-Module by Integrating STEM on Learning Outcomes of Students (Journal of Education Technology Sinta 2 2022) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Festiyed, M.S | Development of the Online Assessment Instrument for Fluid, Temperature, and Heat to measure the problem solving skills of high school students (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2023) | Research Trends in PjBL (Project-Based Learning) at Indonesian Journal of Biology Education Institut Agama Islam Ma’arif NU (IAIMNU) Metro Lampung (Jurnal Iqra’ : Kajian Ilmu Pendidikan Sinta 2 2022) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Festiyed, M.S | The Effect of Cognitive Conflict-Based Learning (CCBL) Model on Remediation of Misconceptions (Journal of Turkish Science Education Q2 2023) | The Impact of Static Fluid E-Module by Integrating STEM on Learning Outcomes of Students Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (Journal of Education Technology Sinta 2 2022) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Festiyed, M.S | Exploring Indigenous Knowledge of Traditional Martial Art “Silat Beksi” to Identify Contents and Contexts for Science Learning in Biology Education (Pegem Egitim ve Ogretim Dergisi no-Q 2023) | Review and Comparison of Four-Tier Multiple Choice and Five-Tier Multiple Choice Diagnostic Tests to Identify Mastery of Physics Concepts (Jurnal Penelitian dan pendidikan IPA Sinta 2 2022) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Festiyed, M.S | EFFECTIVENESS OF TEACHING AT THE RIGHT LEVEL (TaRL) APPROACH WITH CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK IN IMPROVING STUDENT WELL-BEING OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN SCIENCE LEARNING (Community Practitioner Q4 2024) | Effect Size of Blended Learning Model in Improving Students’ Science Competence Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika (UNDIKMA) (Jurnal Kependidikan: Jurnal Hasil Penelitian dan Kajian Kepustakaan di Bidang Pendidikan, Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sinta 2 2022) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Asrizal, M.Si | STEM-Smart Physics E-Module to Promote Conceptual Understanding and 4C Skills of Students (International Journal of Information and Education Technology Q2 2024) | The Influence of the Stem-Based Guided Inquiry Model on Students Creative Thinking Skills in Science Learning: A Meta-Analysis Study (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, Sinta 2, 2024) | | ISBN: 9786233721479 (2021),%20rangkaian%20dan%20aplikasi&searchCat=Judul | EC002023101049 | | |
Prof. Dr. Asrizal, M.Si | STEM-integrated physics digital teaching material to develop conceptual understanding and new literacy of students (Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education Q1 2023) | The Effect of STEM Integrated Science Learning on Scientific Literacy and Critical Thinking Skills of Students: A Meta-Analysis (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, Sinta 2, 2023) | | | EC002023102332 | | |
Prof. Dr. Asrizal, M.Si | STEM integrated electronic student worksheet to promote conceptual understanding and literacy skills of students (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q3 2023) | The Effect of STEM-Based Mathematics and Natural Science Teaching Materials on Students’ Critical and Creative Thinking Skills: A Meta-Analysis (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, Sinta 2, 2023 | | | EC002023101070 | | |
Prof. Dr. Asrizal, M.Si | Digital experiment system of uniform circular motion with remote laboratory based on website (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2022) | Pengaruh Modul dalam Pembelajaran IPA Terhadap Pengetahuan dan Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Siswa: Meta Analisis (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, Sinta 2, 2023 | | | EC00202288417 | | |
Prof. Dr. Asrizal, M.Si | The Validity of STEM Integrated Electronic Learning Material on Elasticity Material to Improve Students’ 21stCentury Skills (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2022) | The Influence of Electronic Teaching Materials on Students’ Mastery of Learning Mathematics and Science: Meta-Analysis (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, Sinta 2, 2023 | | | EC00202288390 | | |
Prof. Dr. Asrizal, M.Si | Digital experimental system of connecting wheel motion with remote laboratory based on website (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2022) | Meta Analisis Pengaruh E Modul Terhadap Pengetahuan Berfikir Kritis & Kreatif Peserta Didik Dalam Pembelajaran IPA (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, Sinta 2, 2023 | | | EC00202283480 | | |
Prof. Dr. Asrizal, M.Si | Tool modelling system of atwood machine with remote control of released objects for tracker video analysis (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2022) | The Impact of Science Learning Materials Integrating Natural Disasters and Disaster Mitigation on Students’ Learning Outcomes: A Meta Analysis (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, Sinta 2, 2023 | | | EC00202283991 | | |
Prof. Dr. Asrizal, M.Si | ICT THEMATIC SCIENCE TEACHING MATERIAL WITH 5E LEARNING CYCLE MODEL TO DEVELOP STUDENTS’ 21ST-CENTURY SKILLS (Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia Q2 2022) | Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Using Integrated Student Worksheets Innovative Natural Science Learning Models to Improve High Order Thinking Skills of High School Students (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, Sinta 2, 2023 | | | EC00202287743 | | |
Prof. Dr. Asrizal, M.Si | Networked-based Inquiry: An Effective Physics Learning in the New Normal COVID-19 Era in Indonesia (International Journal of Instruction Q1 2022) | Meta-Analysis of the Influence of the STEM-Integrated Learning Model on Science Learning on 21st Century Skills (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, Sinta 2, 2023 | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Asrizal, M.Si | Physics electronic teaching material-integrated STEM education to promote 21st-century skills (Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences No-Q 2022) | The Effect of STEM Integrated Science Innovative Learning Model on Students’ Critical Thinking Skills: A Meta-Analysis (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, SInta 2, 2023) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Asrizal, M.Si | COGNITIVE CONFLICT-BASED E-BOOK WITH REAL EXPERIMENT VIDEO ANALYSIS INTEGRATION TO ENHANCE CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING OF MOTION KINEMATICS (Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia Q2 2022) | Effect of Science Teaching Materials Integrated Blended-PBL Models on Studentsââ¬â¢ 21st Century Skills: A Meta-Analysis (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, SInta 2, 2023) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Asrizal, M.Si | Effects of STEM-based learning materials on knowledge and literacy of students in science and physics learning: A meta-analysis (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2022) | The Impact of the Project-Based Learning Model on Students’ Critical and Creative Thinking Skills in Science and Physics Learning: A Meta-Analysis (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, SInta 2, 2023) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Asrizal, M.Si | Low Sidelobe and Tilted Beam Microstrip Antenna for Circularly-Polarized SAR Onboard UAV (Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters Q3 2022) | The Impact of Science Learning Materials Integrating Natural Disasters and Disaster Mitigation on Students’ Learning Outcomes: A Meta Analysis (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, SInta 2, 2023) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Asrizal, M.Si | Analysis of need for development of physics teaching materials assisted by a learning house portal integrating STEM and contextual models to improve student digital literacy (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2021) | The Influence of Electronic Teaching Materials on Students’ Mastery of Learning Mathematics and Science: Meta-Analysis (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, SInta 2, 2023) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Asrizal, M.Si | Validity and practicality book chapter’s model on thermodynamics and mechanical waves material integrated new literacy and disaster literacy of students for grade XI high school (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2021) | Metaanalisis Pengaruh Pendekatan STEM Terhadap Peningkatan Hasil Belajar IPA Peserta Didik (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, SInta 2, 2023) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Asrizal, M.Si | Conditions of learning physics and students’ understanding of the concept of motion during the covid-19 pandemic (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2021) | Meta-Analysis: The Effect of Electronic Learning Media on Students’ 21st Century Skills in The Industrial Revolution Era 4.0 (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, SInta 2, 2023) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Asrizal, M.Si | Analysis of validity and practicality test of physics enrichment e-book based on CTL and enviromental factor (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2021) | Meta Analisis Pengaruh Bahan Ajar Terintegrasi Model Problem Based Learning terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Siswa pada Pembelajaran Fisika (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, SInta 2, 2023) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Asrizal, M.Si | Validity and practicality of interactive multimedia based on cognitive conflict integrated new literacy on thermodynamic and mechanical waves material for class xi high school students (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2021) | The Impact of the Project-Based Learning Model on Students’ Critical and Creative Thinking Skills in Science and Physics Learning: A Meta-Analysis (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, SInta 2, 2023) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Asrizal, M.Si | Effects of mechanical wave learning material by integrating CTL strategy on environmental literacy of grade XI students (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2021) | The Impact of Blended Learning on Students’ Critical and Creative Thinking Skills in Science Learning: A Meta-Analysis (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, SInta 2, 2023) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Asrizal, M.Si | Development of Online-based Inquiry Learning Model to Improve 21st-Century Skills of Physics Students in Senior High School (Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education Q1 2021) | Meta-Analysis: The Effect of Electronic Learning Media on Students’ 21st Century Skills in The Industrial Revolution Era 4.0 (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, SInta 2, 2023) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Asrizal, M.Si | Validity and practicality of science learning material by integrating new literacy based on thematic learning for grade VIII students (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2021) | The Impact of Blended Learning on Students’ Critical and Creative Thinking Skills in Science Learning: A Meta-Analysis (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, SInta 2, 2023) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Asrizal, M.Si | Analysis of physics e-books assisted by application of learning house using quantum learning models to improve the 21st century skills of high school student (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2021) | Development of Ethnophysics-Based Augmented Reality Assisted Digital Teaching Material for 21st Century Learning (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, SInta 2, 2023) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Asrizal, M.Si | Effects of science learning material of motion in daily life theme on new literacy of students (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2021) | Connected Type Integrated Science Learning Model of Student Learning Outcomes: Meta-Analysis (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, SInta 2, 2023) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Ratnawulan, M.Si | Hydrophobic and antibacterial properties of textiles using nanocomposite chitosan and SiO2 from rice husk ash as-coating (South African Journal of Chemical Engineering Q1 2024) | THE EFFECT OF COOPERATIVE LEARNING MODEL USING PHET SIMULATION ON PHYSICS STUDENT’S ACHIEVEMENT (PILLAR OF PHYSICS EDUCATION, Sinta 4, 2023) | | ISBN: 9786230286056 (2024) | EC00202336445 | | |
Prof. Dr. Ratnawulan, M.Si | Hydrogen generation via water splitting with hexagonal silicon monolayers as (photo)catalysts (Molecular Catalysis Q1 2024) | SCIENCE LITERACY ANALYSIS OF PHYSICS INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL FOR SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL GRADE IN PADANG CITY BASED ON DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY (PILLAR OF PHYSICS EDUCATION, Sinta 4, 2023) | | ISBN: 9786237018919 (2023),%20Karakterisasi,%20dan%20Aplikasi%20Pemisahan%20Minyak%20-%20Air&searchCat=Judul | EC002023105189 | | |
Prof. Dr. Ratnawulan, M.Si | Engineering hexagonal-silicon monolayer for high-performance water splitting electrocatalysts (International Journal of Hydrogen Energy Q1 2024) | THE EFFECT OF PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING MODEL USING PHET SIMULATION ON PHYSICS STUDENT’S ACHIEVEMENT (PILLAR OF PHYSICS EDUCATION, Sinta 4, 2023) | | | EC00202287762 | | |
Prof. Dr. Ratnawulan, M.Si | Magnetic Mineral Consistency Analysis the main ingredients of cement and Rowmix materials with Magnetic Susceptibility Method using Bartington Magnetic Susceptibility Type B (MS2B) (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q3 2023) | Pengaruh Penambahan Carboxymethyl Cellulose (CMC) terhadap Kualitas Plastik Biodegradable dari Tongkol Jagung (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, Sinta 2, 2023) | | | EC00202152367 | | |
Prof. Dr. Ratnawulan, M.Si | Analysis of Aloe vera Nano Powder (Aloe vera L.) using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q3 2023) | Validitas E-modul Fisika Energi Alternatif dan Pemanasan Global Kelas X Berbasis Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah Terintegrasi Pembelajaran Abad 21 (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, Sinta 2, 2023) | | | EC00202152364 | | |
Prof. Dr. Ratnawulan, M.Si | Effect of Temperature Variation on Band Gap Value in Thin Layers of Nano Photocatalyst Fe2O3/CuO/MnO2 (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q3 2023) | Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Material Beton Hidrofobik dan Self Healing Berbasis Mikroorganisme (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, Sinta 2, 2023) | | | EC0020215236 | | |
Prof. Dr. Ratnawulan, M.Si | Synthesis and Characterization of Photocatalyst Nanocomposite for the Degradation of Organic Pollutants in Wastewater (Journal of Ecological Engineering Q2 2023) | Effect E. coli Bacteria Concentration as Self Healing on Compressive Strength and Hydrophobic Properties on Micro Cracks of Concrete (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, Sinta 2, 2023) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Ratnawulan, M.Si | Practicality of student worksheets science based on problem based learning models with the theme of the motion in life using integrated connected type 21stcentury learning (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2021) | Increasing The Competence of Science Teachers in The Batusangkar City through Technical Guidance on 21st Century Learning Implementation in Integrated Science student worksheet (Journal: Pelita Eksakta, sINTA 4, 2022) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Ratnawulan, M.Si | The Characterization of the Hydrophobic Surface of Nanocomposites Aloe vera/PS for Antimicrobial Pathogens (Science and Technology Indonesia Q2 2023) | The Synthesis of CuO/Polystyrene Nanocomposite Superhydrophobic Layer using The Spin Coating Method (Journal: Science and Technology Indonesia, SInta 1, 2022) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Ratnawulan, M.Si | THE EVALUATION OF A TECHNOLOGY-EMBEDDED SOLAR ENERGY STEM (SESTEM) MODULE: A PILOT IMPLEMENTATION OF MODERN TEACHING TOOL FOR DIPLOMA SCIENCE STUDENTS (Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia Q2 2023) | The Effect of Using Discovery Learning Model in High School Physics Learning: A Meta-Analysis (Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika, Sinta 3, 2022) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Ratnawulan, M.Si | Synthesis and Characterization of Photocatalyst Nanocomposite for the Degradation of Organic Pollutants in Wastewater (Journal of Ecological Engineering Q2 2023) | DIFFICULTY ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS OF CLASS X SMAN 3 SUNGAI PENUH IN SOLVING PHYSICS PROBLEMS IN THE FORM OF GRAPHIC IN STRAIGHT MOTION MATERIAL (PILLAR OF PHYSICS EDUCATIO, SInta 4, 2022) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Ratnawulan, M.Si | The practicality of interactive multimedia integrated science based on guided inquiry with theme energy in the life that integrates of learning for the 21stcentury (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2021) | IDENTIFICATION OF STUDENT’S MISCONCEPTIONS ON STRAIGHT MOTION MATERIALS USING FOUR-TIER DIAGNOSTIC TEST AND CERTAINTY OF RESPONSE INDEX (CRI) (PILLAR OF PHYSICS EDUCATIO, SInta 4, 2022) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Ratnawulan, M.Si | The Synthesis of CuO/Polystyrene Nanocomposite Superhydrophobic Layer using The Spin Coating Method (Science and Technology Indonesia Q2 2022) | Optimization of the Optimum Condition of Mushroom Light Excitation (Neonothopanus sp) Bioluminescence (Journal: EKSAKTA: Berkala Ilmiah Bidang MIPA, Sinta 3, 2021) | | | | | |
Prof. Dr. Ratnawulan, M.Si | Analysis of contextual-based physics textbook development on static fluid materials for 21stcentury skills learning (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2021) | ANALYSIS INDICATOR OF CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS IN PHYSICS TEXTBOOKS FOR SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL GRADE X SEMESTER 1 IN PADANG (PILLAR OF PHYSICS EDUCATION, SInta 4, 2021) | | | | | |
Prof. Yohandri, M.Si, Ph.D | A flamethrower mounted on UAV for kite litter clearing on high voltage transmission line (Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Q2 2024) | Research Trends of Problem Based Learning (PBL) Model in Science Courses in Universities (AT-TA’LIM, Sinta 2, 2023) | | ISBN: 9786232319929 (2021) | | S00202110377 | |
Prof. Yohandri, M.Si, Ph.D | Design And Build A Practicum Equipment For The Law Of Conservation Of Mechanical Energy Of Rolling Objects (E3S Web of Conferences Q3 2023) | PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN INQUIRY TRAINING UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KETERAMPILAN PROSES SAINS (KPS) IPA FISIKA SISWA KELAS VII SMP (Jurnal Muara Pendidikan, Sinta 4, 2023) | | ISBN: 9786233721479 (2021),%20rangkaian%20dan%20aplikasi&searchCat=Judul | | S00202104985 | |
Prof. Yohandri, M.Si, Ph.D | Optimizing hydrogen gas concentration using response surface methodology (RSM) with design expert 6.0.9 application (IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Q3 2023) | Effectiveness of STEM Learning Based on Design Thinking in Improving Critical Thinking Skills in Science Learning: A Meta-Analysis (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 2023) | | | | | |
Prof. Yohandri, M.Si, Ph.D | A Design of Microstrip Antenna with Ellipse Metasurface for 5G Application (2023 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, ISAP 2023 no-Q2 2023) | Pelatihan Kesiapsiagaan Menghadapi Bencana untuk Masyarakat yang Berada Di ââSeismic Gapââ Desa Muara Siberut (Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Sinta 4, 2022) | | | | | |
Prof. Yohandri, M.Si, Ph.D | Digital experiment system of uniform circular motion with remote laboratory based on website (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2022) | The Development of Science Learning Media Etno-Vlog Fermentation Cencaluk in Riau (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, Sinta 2, 2022) | | | | | |
Prof. Yohandri, M.Si, Ph.D | Volleyball Smash Test Instrument Design with Sensor Technology (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2022) | Development of physics e-module based on integrated project-based learning model with Ethno-STEM approach on smartphones for senior high school students (Physics Education Journal, Sinta 2, 2022) | | | | | |
Prof. Yohandri, M.Si, Ph.D | Tourist Counter Design Using RFID Sensors for Real Time Monitoring (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2022) | Analysis of ethnoscience integrated environmental literacy for junior high school (JPBI (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia), Sinta 2, 2022) | | | | | |
Prof. Yohandri, M.Si, Ph.D | Needs Analysis as a Basis for the Development of POE-Based Physics Learning Tools to improve Science Process Skills (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2022) | ETNO-STEM DALAM PEMBELAJARAN IPA : A SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW (Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan, SInta 2, 2022) | | | | | |
Prof. Yohandri, M.Si, Ph.D | Preliminary analysis and the need for physics learning in SMAN 1 Koto Baru (AIP Conference Proceedings Q4 2021) | Komersialisasi Hasil Penelitian Melalui Pusat Layananan Pengukuran Kondisi Fisik (Jurnal PkM Ilmu Kependidikan, Sinta 5, 2022) | | | | | |
Prof. Yohandri, M.Si, Ph.D | E-LEARNING AND PHYSICS TEACHING MATERIALS BASED ON MALAY ETHNOSCIENCE ON THE EAST COAST (Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia Q2 2023) | Pengembangan E-book Berbasis Discovery Learning Terintegrasi Keterampilan 4C Untuk Pembelajaran Fisika SMA Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (JEP (Jurnal Eksakta Pendidikan), Sinta 3, 2022) | | | | | |
Prof. Yohandri, M.Si, Ph.D | Preliminary research of networked-based inquiry model development to improve 21st-century competencies of students on physics learning in senior high school (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2021) | E-Book Development Effectiveness Problem Based Learning with Quizing in Physics Learning (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, SInta 3, 2022) | | | | | |
Prof. Yohandri, M.Si, Ph.D | Development of Online-based Inquiry Learning Model to Improve 21st-Century Skills of Physics Students in Senior High School (Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education Q1 2021) | KEMANDIRIAN DAN MOTIVASI BELAJAR BIOLOGI SISWA MENGGUNAKAN GOOGLE CLASSROOM PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi, sINTA 4, 2021) | | | | | |
Prof. Yohandri, M.Si, Ph.D | Low Sidelobe and Tilted Beam Microstrip Antenna for Circularly-Polarized SAR Onboard UAV (Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters Q3 2022) | The development of height and weight measuring instruments for web-based Anthropometric tests (Jurnal Inovasi Vokasional dan Teknologi, siNTA 3, 2021) | | | | | |
Prof. Yohandri, M.Si, Ph.D | A Design of Broadband Axial Ratio Ellipse Microstrip Antenna for CP-SAR Sensor (2022 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, ISAP 2022 no-Q 2022) | PEMBUATAN ALAT SHUTTLE RUN DENGAN DATA TERSIMPAN PADA DATABASE BERBASIS ARDUINO (Jurnal Sosioteknologi, sINTA 2, 2021) | | | | | |
Prof. Yohandri, M.Si, Ph.D | Networked-based Inquiry: An Effective Physics Learning in the New Normal COVID-19 Era in Indonesia (International Journal of Instruction Q1 2022) | Peningkatan Income Genereting melalui Pemanfaatan Pusat Layananan Pegnukuran Kondisi Fisik (Jurnal PkM Ilmu Kependidikan, siNTA 6, 2021) | | | | | |
Prof. Pakhrur Razi, S.Pd, M.Si, Ph.D | Development of e-Module for Independent Learning of Physics Material Based on Independent Curriculum (International Journal of Information and Education Technology Q1 2024) | Studi Geologi Terhadap Analisis Kestabilan Lereng Menggunakan Metode RMR (Rock Mass Rating) Pada Jalan Daerah Koto Lamo, Kecamatan Kapur Sembilan, Sumatera Barat (Jurnal Integrasi, Sinta 4, 2023) | | | EC00202422685 | | |
Prof. Pakhrur Razi, S.Pd, M.Si, Ph.D | Corrigendum to “Monitoring of tectonic deformation in the seismic gap of the Mentawai Islands using ALOS-1 and ALOS-2” [Remote Sens. Appl.: Soc. Environ. 30 (April 2023) 100973](S2352938523000551)(10.1016/j.rsase.2023.100973) (Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment Q1 2024) | Development of Physics Learning Based on Video Integrated Flipped Classroom Model Using Moodle (Pillar of Physics Education, Sinta 4, 2023) | | | EC00202283391 | | |
Prof. Pakhrur Razi, S.Pd, M.Si, Ph.D | A Study for a Radio Telescope in Indonesia: Parabolic Design, Simulation of a Horn Antenna, and Radio Frequency Survey in Frequency of 0.045–18 GHz (Aerospace Q2 2024) | Pelatihan Kesiapsiagaan Menghadapi Bencana untuk Masyarakat yang Berada di ‘Seismic Gap’ Desa Muara Siberut (Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Sinta 4, 2022) | | | EC00202283382 | | |
Prof. Pakhrur Razi, S.Pd, M.Si, Ph.D | Validity of E-Book Based on Problem-Based Learning with Higher Order Thinking Skills Oriented for Senior High School (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q3 2023) | Development of Physics Module Using Moodle Integrated Lab Rotation in Senior High School (Pillar of Physics Education, Sinta 4, 2022) | | | EC00202296524 | | |
Prof. Pakhrur Razi, S.Pd, M.Si, Ph.D | 3D modelling using structure from motion technique for land observation in Kelok 9 flyover (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q2 2021) | Development Student Worksheets in Class X Physics Based on Station-Rotational Blended Learning Model Station-Rotational Skill-Oriented RI 4.0 (Pillar of Physics Education, Sinta 4, 2022) | | | EC002022101393 | | |
Prof. Pakhrur Razi, S.Pd, M.Si, Ph.D | Monitoring of tectonic deformation in the seismic gap of the Mentawai Islands using ALOS-1 and ALOS-2 (Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment Q1 2023) | Profile of Students’ Character in the Reading to Learn (R2L) Model in Improving Scientific Literacy Skills (Jurnal Pendidikan, Sinta 2, 2022) | | | EC00202283381 | | |
Prof. Pakhrur Razi, S.Pd, M.Si, Ph.D | Suitability of Mangrove Ecosystems as a Protected Zone Based on Land-Use Changes (Physical Oceanography Q3 2023) | Pengelolaan Sampah Plastik Daerah Kepulauan di Siberut Selatan Mentawai (jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, Sinta 4, 2022) | | | EC00202167311 | | |
Prof. Pakhrur Razi, S.Pd, M.Si, Ph.D | Temporal Subset SBAS InSAR Approach for Tropical Peatland Surface Deformation Monitoring Using Sentinel-1 Data (Remote Sensing Q1 2022) | | | | | | |
Prof. Pakhrur Razi, S.Pd, M.Si, Ph.D | Directivity of Coseismic Ionospheric Disturbances Propagation Following the 2016 West Sumatra Earthquake Using Three-Dimensional Tomography GNSS-TEC (Atmosphere Q2 2022) | | | | | | |
Prof. Pakhrur Razi, S.Pd, M.Si, Ph.D | Potential Landslide Detection in Kelok Sembilan Flyover Using SAR Interferometry (International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology Q2 2021) | | | | | | |
Dr. Akmam, M.Si | Effect of Generative Learning Models Based on Cognitive Conflict on Students’ Creative Thinking Processes Based on Metacognitive (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2024) | The effect of using contextual-based motion dynamics learning videos on Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (Jurnal Pendidikan dan Ilmu Fisika, Sinta 4, 2024) | | ISBN: 9786233729567 (2023) | | | |
Dr. Akmam, M.Si | Identification of surface layer structure using seismic refraction for landslide mitigation in Tandikek region, West Sumatra Indonesia (IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Q3 2023) | Design Interactive Multimedia Based on Problem Solving Using Articulate Storyline on Dynamic Fluid Material (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, Sinta 2, 2023) | | | | | |
Dr. Akmam, M.Si | A more convenient method to predict gravitational acceleration (g) using smartphone’s proximity sensor in a simple pendulum experiment (Physics Education Q3 2023) | The Impact of Blended Learning on Student’s Critical and Creative Thinking Skills in Science Learning: A Meta-Analysis (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, Sinta 2, 2023) | | | | | |
Dr. Akmam, M.Si | Need analysis to develop a generative learning model with a cognitive conflict strategy oriented to creative thinking in the Computational Physics course (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2022) | Liveworksheet-Based Student Worksheet for Senior High School in Physics Learning (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, Sinta 2, 2023) | | | | | |
Dr. Akmam, M.Si | Factor Analysis Affecting the Implementation of the Generative Learning Model with a Cognitive Conflict Strategy in the Computational Physics Course during the COVID-19 Pandemic Era (Educational Administration: Theory and Practice Q3 2022) | Improving the Competence of Junior High School Teachers In Designing Generative Learning-Based Learning Media (Pelita Eksakta, Sinta 4, 2022) | | | | | |
Dr. Akmam, M.Si | Preliminary study on development of practicum module for algorithms and computer programming course (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2021) | Analysis of Students’ Attitudes and Difficulties in Studying Computational Physics (Berkala Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika, SInta 3, 2022) | | | | | |
Dr. Akmam, M.Si | Problems of students in following the online learning process in the covid-19 pandemic (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2021) | Analysis of Student’s Creative Thinking Ability in Computation Physics Course (Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Pembelajaran Fisika, Sinta 3, 2022) | | | | | |
Dr. Hamdi, M.Si | Tropical vegetation productivity and atmospheric methane over the last 40,000 years from model simulations and stalagmites in Sulawesi, Indonesia (Quaternary Research (United States) Q1 2024) | Characterization of Magnetic Minerals of Iron Sand Pasia Nan Tigo Padang Beach Using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) (INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, Sinta 1, 2022) | | ISBN: 9786230800269 (2023) | EC002023118955 | | |
Dr. Hamdi, M.Si | Remobilization and eruption of an upper crustal cumulate mush at the Singkut caldera (North Sumatra, Indonesia) (Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research Q1 2024) | Identification of Elemental Content and Rock Types in West Lampung Regency (EKSAKTA: Journal of Sciences and Data Analysis, sINTA 3, 2022) | | ISBN : 9786233480826 (2021) | EC002023101079 | | |
Dr. Hamdi, M.Si | The impact of soil chemistry, moisture and temperature on branched and isoprenoid GDGTs in soils: A study using six globally distributed elevation transects (Organic Geochemistry Q2 2024) | Identification of Clay Element Content in Fabric Dyeing Process Using X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (Jurnal Fisika, Sinta 3, 2022) | | ISBN: 9786233480819 (2021) | EC002023126496 | | |
Dr. Hamdi, M.Si | Coral geochemical response to uplift in the aftermath of the 2005 Nias–Simeulue earthquake (Scientific Reports Q1 2024) | Identification of Elemental Composition and Heavy Metal Content in Maninjau Lake Sediment Using X-Ray Fluorescence (MNJ 18-41B) (PSE (Journal of Physical Science and Engineering), SInta 3, 2021) | | | EC002023118952 | | |
Dr. Hamdi, M.Si | Multi-proxy validation of glacial-interglacial rainfall variations in southwest Sulawesi (Communications Earth and Environment Q1 2023) | Distribution Pattern of Magnetic Susceptibility Value of Iron Sand on the Surface of Pasia Jambak Beach Pasia Nan Tigo Padang (EKSAKTA: Berkala Ilmiah Bidang MIPA, Sinta 3, 2021) | | | EC002022101444 | | |
Dr. Hamdi, M.Si | The Characterization of the Hydrophobic Surface of Nanocomposites Aloe vera/PS for Antimicrobial Pathogens (Science and Technology Indonesia Q2 2023) | | | | EC002022101438 | | |
Dr. Hamdi, M.Si | Magnetic susceptibilites of suspended sediment and microplastic abundance in a tropical volcanic estuary (Regional Studies in Marine Science Q1 2023) | | | | EC002022101424 | | |
Dr. Hamdi, M.Si | Branched GDGT source shift identification allows improved reconstruction of an 8,000-year warming trend on Sumatra (Organic Geochemistry Q2 2023) | | | | | | |
Dr. Hamdi, M.Si | Identification pyroclastic flow of magnetic minerals (Holocene volcano): A case study of paleo-volcano Lawu on the south side, Central Java, Indonesia (Kuwait Journal of Science Q2 2023) | | | | | | |
Dr. Hamdi, M.Si | A shifty Toba magma reservoir: Improved eruption chronology and petrochronological evidence for lateral growth of a giant magma body (Earth and Planetary Science Letters Q1 2023) | | | | | | |
Dr. Hamdi, M.Si | Antiphase response of the Indonesian–Australian monsoon to millennial-scale events of the last glacial period (Scientific Reports Q1 2022) | | | | | | |
Dr. Ahmad Fauzi, M.Si | Reading indigenous signs: The wisdom of nagari communities toward natural disaster in Pasaman Barat (International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction Q1 2024) | Preliminary Study: Analysis of the Need for Physics E-Modules as Guided Inquiry-Based Teaching Materials at MAN 1 Mandailing Natal (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, Sinta 2, 2023) | | ISBN: 9786237018919 (2023),%20Karakterisasi,%20dan%20Aplikasi%20Pemisahan%20Minyak%20-%20Air&searchCat=Judul | EC002023101043 | | |
Dr. Ahmad Fauzi, M.Si | Assessments of the Vulnerability and Demand Capacity Ratio of Old Public Buildings Structures (E3S Web of Conferences Q3 2024) | The Synthesis of CuO/Polystyrene Nanocomposite Superhydrophobic Layer using The Spin Coating Method (Journal Science and Technology Indonesia, Sinta 1, 2022 | | | | | |
Dr. Ahmad Fauzi, M.Si | The Effect of Milling Time on Band Gap Value in Thin Layers of Nano Photocatalyst MnO2/CuO/Fe2O3 (IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Q3 2023) | Efektivitas E-Book Fisika SMA/MA Terintegrasi Materi Gempa Bumi Berbasis Research Based Learning Untuk Meningkatkan Sikap Siapsiaga Peserta Didik (JURNAL EKSAKTA PENDIDIKAN (JEP), Sinta 3, 2022) | | | | | |
Dr. Ahmad Fauzi, M.Si | Effect of Temperature Variation on Band Gap Value in Thin Layers of Nano Photocatalyst Fe2O3/CuO/MnO2 (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q3 2023) | THE USE OF SIGIL SOFTWARE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF GUIDED DISCOVERY LEARNING-BASED E-MODULES FOR TEACHERS OF CHEMICAL MGMP PADANG PANJANG (Jurnal Pelita Eksakta, Sinta 4, 2022) | | | | | |
Dr. Ahmad Fauzi, M.Si | Amplification Analysis and Seismic Vulnerability Index of Air Tawar Barat Village of Padang City Using HVSR Method (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q3 2023) | Efektivitas Pengembangan E-Book Fisika Berbasis Discovery Learning Tema Gempa Bumi untuk Meningkatkan Kompetensi Sikap Tangguh Peserta Didik (JURNAL EKSAKTA PENDIDIKAN (JEP), Sinta 4, 2021) | | | | | |
Dr. Ahmad Fauzi, M.Si | Synthesis and Characterization of Photocatalyst Nanocomposite for the Degradation of Organic Pollutants in Wastewater (Journal of Ecological Engineering Q2 2023) | ANALYSIS OF THE COMPATIBILITY OF HIGH SCHOOL PHYSICS MATERIALS WITH LANDSLIDE MATERIALS (PILLAR OF PHYSICS EDUCATION, Sinta 4, 2021) | | | | | |
Dr. Ahmad Fauzi, M.Si | Effect of Composition Variation on The Crystal Size and Band Gap of Thin Film Nano Photocatalyst Fe2O3/CuO/MnO2 (IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Q32023) | | | | | | |
Dr. Ahmad Fauzi, M.Si | The Synthesis of CuO/Polystyrene Nanocomposite Superhydrophobic Layer using The Spin Coating Method (Science and Technology Indonesia Q2 2022) | | | | | | |
Dr. Ahmad Fauzi, M.Si | Synthesis and characterization of polystyrene/cuo-fe2o3 nanocomposites from natural materials as hydrophobic photocatalytic coatings (Crystals Q2 2021) | | | | | | |
Dr. Ahmad Fauzi, M.Si | Synthesis and characterization of polystyrene/cuo-fe2o3 nanocomposites from natural materials as hydrophobic photocatalytic coatings (Crystals Q2 2021) | | | | | | |
Dr. Yulkifli, M.Si | Validity of e-module integrated scientific literacy using the smartphone-assisted IBL model to improve student competence (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2023) | The Validity and Practicality of the E-Book Science Model RADEC (Read-Answer-Discuss-Explain-Create) to Improve the 4C Skills of Students (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, Sinta2, 2023) | | | EC0020220098 | S00202104985 | |
Dr. Yulkifli, M.Si | Engineering hexagonal-silicon monolayer for high-performance water splitting electrocatalysts (International Journal of Hydrogen Energy Q1 2024) | Development of physics e-module based on integrated project-based learning model with Ethno-STEM approach on smartphones for senior high school students (Momentum: Physics Education Journal, Sinta 2, 2022) | | | | | |
Dr. Yulkifli, M.Si | Safeguarding Vascular Health: Unleashing the Potential of Smartphone Early Warning Systems to Elevate Phlebitis Prevention in IV Infusion Therapy (International journal of online and biomedical engineering Q2 2024) | Synthesis and Characterization of HPMpFBP Using Raman Spectroscopy, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy, and FTIR (Jurnal Ilmu Fisika, SInta 3, 2021) | | | | | |
Dr. Yulkifli, M.Si | Incorporation of graphene oxide/titanium dioxide with different polymer materials and its effects on methylene blue dye rejection and antifouling ability (Environmental Science and Pollution Research Q1 2023) | Rancang Bangun Alat Ukur Glukosa Untuk Darah Manusia Menggunakan Sensor Elektrokimia Berbasis Glassy Carbon Electrode (GCE) dengan Metode Voltametri (Jurnal Fisika Unand, Sinta 4, 2021) | | | | | |
Dr. Yulkifli, M.Si | Developing an Augmented Reality-Assisted Worksheet to Support the Digital Science Practicum (European Journal of Educational Research Q2 2024) | | | | | | |
Dr. Yulkifli, M.Si | IoT-based viscometer fabrication using the falling ball method for laboratory applications (Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Q2 2024) | | | | | | |
Dr. Yulkifli, M.Si | A Nanocomposite Paste Electrode Sensor for Simultaneous Detection of Uric Acid and Bisphenol A Using Zinc Hydroxide Nitrate-Sodium Dodecylsulfate Bispyribac (Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) Q1 2023) | | | | | | |
Dr. Yulkifli, M.Si | Molecularly imprinted polymeric microspheres for electrochemical sensing of cholesterol (Rasayan Journal of Chemistry Q2 2021) | | | | | | |
Dr. Yulkifli, M.Si | Validity of student worksheet inquiry based learning model with multi-representation approach integrated scientific literacy for grade XI physics learning on 21stcentury (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2021) | | | | | | |
Dr. Yulkifli, M.Si | Preliminary study of development of physics e-module using smartphone-assisted inquiry based learning models to support 21stcentury learning (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2021) | | | | | | |
Dr. Fatni Mufit, S.Pd, M.Si | The Five-Tier Multiple Choice Instruments in Parabolic Motion for Assessing Concept Understanding of High School Students (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2023) | Analysis of Students’ Physics Conceptual Understanding using Five-Tier Multiple Choice Questions: the Newton’s Law of Motion Context (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, Sinta 2, 2023) | | ISBN: 9786233729246 (2023),sebagai%20media%20pembelajaran%20abad%20ke-21&searchCat=Judul | EC002023123778 | | |
Dr. Fatni Mufit, S.Pd, M.Si | Analysis of Learning Implementation, Skills of 4C, Attitudes Towards Learning and Students’ Understanding Concepts of Physics (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2023) | Using Adobe Animated CC in Designing Interactive Multimedia Based on Cognitive Conflict on Parabolic Motion Materials (JIPF (Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Fisika), SInta 2, 2023) | | ISBN: 9786233729567 (2023) | EC002023121981 | | |
Dr. Fatni Mufit, S.Pd, M.Si | Effect of Generative Learning Models Based on Cognitive Conflict on Students’ Creative Thinking Processes Based on Metacognitive (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2023) | Design and validity of interactive multimedia based on cognitive conflict in kinetic gas theory materials using adobe animate cc (Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Pembelajaran Fisika, SInta 3, 2023) | | | EC002023121980 | | |
Dr. Fatni Mufit, S.Pd, M.Si | The Effectiveness of Smartphone-Based Interactive Multimedia Integrated Cognitive Conflict Models to Improve 21st-Century Skills (International Journal of Information and Education Technology Q2 2023) | Students’ Misconceptions and the Causes on Straight Motion Materials Using Six-Tier Multiple Choice (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, Sinta 2, 2023) | | | EC002023128512 | | |
Dr. Fatni Mufit, S.Pd, M.Si | Students’ conceptual understanding and causes of misconceptions on Newton’s Law (International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education Q2 2023) | Desain Bahan Ajar Kinematika Gerak Berbasis Konflik Kognitif Mengintegrasikan Program Tracker (Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran Fisika, Sinta 3, 2023) | | | EC002023128651 | | |
Dr. Fatni Mufit, S.Pd, M.Si | The Effect of Cognitive Conflict-Based Learning (CCBL) Model on Remediation of Misconceptions (Journal of Turkish Science Education Q2 2023) | The Effect of STEM Integrated Science Innovative Learning Model on Students’ Critical Thinking Skills: A Meta-Analysis (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, SInta 2, 2023) | | | EC002023128505 | | |
Dr. Fatni Mufit, S.Pd, M.Si | Need analysis to develop a generative learning model with a cognitive conflict strategy oriented to creative thinking in the Computational Physics course (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2023) | Students’ conceptual understanding and causes of misconceptions on Newton’s Law (International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), SInta 2, 2023) | | | EC002023128371 | | |
Dr. Fatni Mufit, S.Pd, M.Si | Factor Analysis Affecting the Implementation of the Generative Learning Model with a Cognitive Conflict Strategy in the Computational Physics Course during the COVID-19 Pandemic Era (Educational Administration: Theory and Practice Q3 2022) | The Impact of the Project-Based Learning Model on Students’ Critical and Creative Thinking Skills in Science and Physics Learning: A Meta-Analysis (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, SInta 2, 2023) | | | EC002023128504 | | |
Dr. Fatni Mufit, S.Pd, M.Si | COGNITIVE CONFLICT-BASED E-BOOK WITH REAL EXPERIMENT VIDEO ANALYSIS INTEGRATION TO ENHANCE CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING OF MOTION KINEMATICS (Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia Q2 2022) | Analisis Pendahuluan Literasi Sains pada Fluida di SMAN 6 Padang (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, Sinta 2, 2023) | | | EC002023128556 | | |
Dr. Fatni Mufit, S.Pd, M.Si | Conditions of learning physics and students’ understanding of the concept of motion during the covid-19 pandemic (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2021) | Literature Study: Application of Self Assessment in Improving Character Quality, 21st Century Abilities, and Physics Learning Results (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, Sinta 2, 2023) | | | EC002023128552 | | |
Dr. Fatni Mufit, S.Pd, M.Si | Analysis of physics e-books assisted by application of learning house using quantum learning models to improve the 21st century skills of high school student (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2021) | Validity of E-module Based on Cognitive Conflict Integrated Augmented Reality for Improving Students Physics Science Literacy (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, Sinta 2, 2023) | | | EC002023123778 | | |
Dr. Fatni Mufit, S.Pd, M.Si | Validity and practicality book chapter’s model on thermodynamics and mechanical waves material integrated new literacy and disaster literacy of students for grade XI high school (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2021) | Review and Comparison of Four-Tier Multiple Choice and Five-Tier Multiple Choice Diagnostic Tests to Identify Mastery of Physics Concepts (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, Sinta 2, 2022) | | | EC002023121981 | | |
Dr. Fatni Mufit, S.Pd, M.Si | Conditions of learning physics and students’ understanding of the concept of motion during the covid-19 pandemic (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2021) | Development of Four-Tier Multiple Choice Test Instrument to Identify Students’ Concept Understanding of Newton’s Law Material (JIPF (Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Fisika), SInta 2, 2022) | | | EC002023121980 | | |
Dr. Fatni Mufit, S.Pd, M.Si | Validity and practicality of interactive multimedia based on cognitive conflict integrated new literacy on thermodynamic and mechanical waves material for class xi high school students (Journal of Physics: Conference Series Q4 2021) | Science Teachers Perception of Digital Technology-Based Learning in the 21st Century (Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif, SInta 2, 2022) | | | EC002023128512 | | |